Homie strives for a cleaner world
11 October 2022
Sustainability is a catch-all term these days, but it’s in our DNA at Homie. Homie originated from scientific research into sustainable business models. The delivery of a sustainable device is only the beginning of our impact. Our used machines are fully refurbished and equipped with new, original parts. Refurbishing is done by Najeeb, among others. He makes the machines as good as new again.
Najeeb grew up in Syria and comes from a real entrepreneurial family. Near Idlib, his father had his shop where he sold and repaired washing machines.
As a small child, Najeeb could already be found in the shop and learned to repair machines. Repairing and refurbishing machines were born to him.
After his studies, he started working for his father completely and eventually took over the shop. Due to the difficult situation in Syria, Najeeb had to leave the country with his wife and 4 children. Najeeb came into contact with Homie through mediation with the municipality of Woerden. Najeeb was looking for work and we needed someone to clean and repair our machines. So a nice match! Partly due to his knowledge gained in Syria, Najeeb ensures that our used machines are as good as new again.